What About Antifungals?

So, by now you have probably heard of antifungals, but it’s probably not immediately clear why they play such an important role in the Candida diet. Antifungals work by damaging the cell wall of the fungus. This inhibits growth and eventually, the fungus dies, which will then help with your yeast overgrowth. That is obviously the goal of the Candida diet.

Why Shouldn’t I just Ask for a Prescription?

You have a few different options when it comes to choosing an antifungal product. For a severe problem, or if you have never been diagnosed with a yeast infection before, you may want to see a doctor. You should be aware however, that most traditional physicians are not likely to recommend the Candida diet. To put it very bluntly, if more people took control of their health and did not continue to spend money on prescriptions, the pharmacy and medical industry would probably change dramatically. In addition, there has not been the extensive research on the Candida diet that there has been on prescriptions, because the diet is unlikely to cause the problems that prescriptions do.

In addition, the prescription antifungals that you can get from a doctor will work, but present with some significant side effects that should not be ignored. Liver damage and heart failure are rare, but do occur and prescription antifungal medications will cross over into breast milk, if that is a concern. With at least one of the prescriptions that are commonly given to treat fungus, you cannot even take an antacid within two hours of taking the medicine. You can also not consume alcohol in any amount while using the prescription. That’s an enormous amount of planning to do, when you can use one of the more natural antifungals that are less expensive to do the same job.

The natural antifungals, designed to supplement your diet, can be obtained in a couple of different ways. You should not take these until you have entered stage two of the Candida diet, and when you do start, start on a lower dose and increase it daily until you are at the appropriate dosage. Some people prefer taking them with food and others don’t care when they take it, it’s really up to you. However, you want to let your system get used to the antifungals slowly, because otherwise they might serve no purpose at all before your body flushes them out. If you introduce them too fast, you absolutely will see that your body will flush the unknown substance quickly.

Antifungals as Part of Your Diet?

Antifungals, as part of your diet, are a nutritious and delicious way to get healthy. You may not know it, but many of the herbs that you cook with every day are also natural antifungals, when used properly.

Garlic is a popular one, as is grapefruit seed extract. Oil of oregano is another one, and only one to three drops a day of oregano could help you enormously. It can be placed into a salad or under your tongue, for a quick, healing step.

Garlic can be eaten, but if you don’t like its taste, you can also buy the supplement garlic from any health food store. As with any supplement, you will want to start off slowly, since you could have an adverse reaction to almost anything. Because garlic is no different, you’ll want to prevent the possibility of side effects when you can.

Coconut oil and coconut milk are inexpensive ways to get many of the vitamins you need in your system, without the hazards that are now being associated with dairy products. Coconut oil, in particular, is an effective anti-fungal agent, as proven by a 2007 research study in Nigeria. The results proved that coconut oil is an effective and recommended treatment for yeast infections. You can introduce any of these into your diet, or add them as a supplement, or both depending on your own preferences. The point is that you have many different choices, so you shouldn’t feel locked into your dietary options.

It is a good idea to remember that it probably took some time for you to develop the yeast problem that you have and therefore it may also take some time for you to get over it. To permanently eradicate the problem, you will need to address it through your diet, antifungals and probiotics. You will also need to remember that although you will eventually be able to use antifungals and probiotics at the same time, you should introduce them slowly over the first couple of weeks, allowing at least a few days in between the two.

Of course you can try our product Canxida Remove, one of the leading candida antifungals.

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