How to Test to See if You Have Candida

There are a number of different ways to be sure if you have Candida overgrowth in your body. If you go to a doctor, they can do a saliva or swab test to determine about how much yeast you have, but getting a traditional medical provider to make that diagnosis can be challenging. In general, unless you are seeing an alternative medicine doctor or you have been very lucky with a traditional doctor, it will probably be easier for you to do the tests at home to determine if you have abnormally high levels of Candida in your body.

Before you evaluate the Candida, it is very important for you to remember that Candida occurs naturally in several different parts of the human body. Yeast overgrowth, also known as Candida, occurs when the yeast grows in high amounts and may grow outside the parts of the body where it is normally found. In addition, there is a saliva test that you can do at home that involves a glass of water, but that test is notoriously unreliable and there are better ways to make your own diagnosis at home. You will also need to remember that it is very possible to transfer a yeast infection during intimate relations, so if you have the symptoms of one, you should plan to take the appropriate precautions.

Comparing What You Should Eat and What You Actually Eat

Most people enjoy a treat now and then. But have you ever stopped to wonder what makes intelligent, rational people who are aware of the effects of obesity on their health, continue to indulge in high-calorie snacks with very little nutritional content? It’s often because of the overwhelming cravings they have for more of the same foods…and that craving is caused by the Candida overgrowth. It’s literally almost like an addiction and breaking the cycle can be incredibly difficult.

If you find yourself driven to eat more of the sugar, breaded foods despite your best intentions or if you find yourself distracted during the day because you’re thinking of the next snack you’ll have, even when you are not hungry, you are probably suffering from Candida overgrowth. You need to keep in mind that if you treat Candida and it turns out that you did not suffer from Candida overgrowth, you will still experience the benefits of a healthier diet. If you don’t have Candida, and you do have it, the symptoms will only get worse. You have nothing to lose, except pain and discomfort and so much to gain, so if you’re not sure….try the diet and reap the benefits.

Check Your Symptoms

The symptoms of Candida can vary, based on the severity of your overgrowth, but if you regularly experience five or more of the following, you probably have Candida and should proceed accordingly:

  • Bad Breath
  • Digestive problems, including gas, bloating, pain, nausea, heartburn, constipation etc.
  • Blood sugar fluctuations, including diabetes, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia and diabetes
  • Anxiety or depression, mood disorders, etc.
  • Infertility, menstrual problems, hormonal fluctuations
  • Headaches, migraines, or sinus pain/problems/infections
  • Ear infections, frequent infections, low immune systems or allergies
  • Dental problems, receding gums, unexplained pain in teeth, gums or sinuses, dry mouth
  • Chronic yeast infections, including thrush

There are many other symptoms that contribute to the diagnosis of Candida overgrowth, but these are some of the most common ones. It has taken years for many people to successfully diagnose and treat the cause of their pain and discomfort. Don’t wait that long, start healing today.

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