How Exactly, Should I Start the Candida Diet?

The Candida diet is one of the stricter ones out there. It has to be stricter because yeast can overflow and be found on almost any part of your body. Although it is more commonly found in women who are also suffering from AIDS or cancer, there have been numerous cases where otherwise healthy women have been diagnosed with yeast on many different parts of their body. There have been women suffering from yeast infections on their heads, inside their ears, the backs of their knees and even between their fingers or toes. Most of the modern medicine that is available cannot deal with recurrent yeast infections or yeast infections that show up in places that are non-traditional.

Getting Started

Ideally, you will first take the opportunity to remove all of the items that are not allowed in the diet from your home. After doing so, you will want to make a trip to the grocery or health food store, to purchase the things that you will be able to enjoy. Although not every Candida diet participant chooses to first undergo the cleansing, the people that do so are often more likely to see the best results. When you are starting the cleansing, it is very important that absolutely no sugar be included in your diet.

The saying that is frequently heard about this diet says “That you cannot remove candida from the body if the diet keeps feeding it.” Candida thrives and grows upon sugar, therefore yeast will never go entirely away if you create a hospitable environment for it to develop.

Many people believe that diet sodas and sugar-free drinks are the best way to circumvent the effects of sugar in the body. Unfortunately, it is not always understood why, but sugar-free items are still likely to contribute to yeast and weight gain. In addition, the artificial sweeteners are linked to many different significant health problems, so diet sodas should be avoided anyway. It is thought that in many people, they contribute to the cravings for sweets and sugar that plague so many of us and can ruin even the strongest diet.

When you are on the fasting part of the diet, it is often best done over a weekend. You should be taking a multivitamin while you are on the diet, especially during the fasting cycle. There should be a heavy emphasis on including B, C, and E vitamins in your diet. You are also likely to benefit from the inclusion of garlic, calcium, echinachea and omega-3 acids, including fish oil. Ginkgo may also help with some of the tired feelings you may feel during the start of the diet. Quality vitamins are important as well, because many of the vitamins that are sold in discount or grocery stores will do very little for your body before they are eliminated form your system.

Probiotics are being researched, and more is being discovered about them all the time. As of February 2012, it is believed that probiotics work by improving the ability of the immune system, limiting the inflammation in the body and fighting infections, among other important tasks. That means that probiotics can help your body heal itself just like it is supposed to. Including probiotics into your diet, either by way of a pill containing them or a yogurt that is infused with probiotics, is a fabulous idea.
That assumes, of course, that you are able to find a Low-sugar and dairy-free yogurt ( There are some wonderful soy ones sold in health food stores) and that you are consuming the yogurt at any point in the diet after the fasting period.

This diet is still being investigated by many different people. As with almost any other kind of alternative medicine, there will be some people who do not believe that it is necessary or appropriate.

The best way for you to determine what works for you is to try the Candida diet and see how quickly your symptoms dissipate. Then you, too will join the ranks of people who are willing to swear by it and whom will never go back to the way it was before.

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