Candida can have an overwhelming effect on the body, and cause other illnesses. The longer that you have had your symptoms and the more severe your symptoms are, the more likely you are to develop other illnesses. You need to keep in mind that although Candida overgrowth may have caused or directly contributed to another illness, you are likely to still have the secondary illness after treating the Candida overgrowth. That means that the secondary illness that you developed will still need treatment by an appropriate medical professional and any information given here will not negate the need for qualified medical care for other other health problems you may have.
Problems With Your Immune System
A common theory is that after an extended period of time, your immune system has been fighting the Candida overgrowth for so long that it is unable to function properly. This may also be due to the presence of Candida in so much of the body, because it stresses the body out and allows infections to enter parts of the body when it might not normally have access. In addition, in severe cases, excessive yeast can actually cause skin breakdown, which invites infections.
Upper-respiratory Tract Problems and Infections
Problems with sinuses, allergy symptoms, colds, viruses, sore throats and even the onset of asthma are commonly associated with Candida overgrowth. Mayo Clinic researchers have been quoted as saying that fungus may be the cause of most of the cases of sinusitis in the United States. If you think about it, that is a very powerful statement and explains a lot. Sinus problems can quickly progress to other symptoms that affect your upper respiratory tract and even result in breathing problems like asthma.
Obviously, when a fungus covers the membranes that facilitate your ability to breathe, you are always going to have a problem.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, also known as CFS and Fibromyalgia are two serious illnesses that appear with very significant symptoms that can be challenging to manage. Both of these illnesses are not very clearly understood and they can often be “triggered” by an episode of illness. There is a theory being circulated in some medical communities that untreated Candida overgrowth is sufficient to cause both of those illnesses. Both illnesses appear with symptoms that include unexplained pain, discomfort and are generally considered to be autoimmune diseases, which means that the body’s immune system is attacking itself in a misguided attempt to heal. It has also been discovered that the use of anti-fungal medications has helped with symptoms of both illnesses in some patients.
Skin Problems and Skin Breakdown
Many people have experienced symptoms that range from “itchy skin” “dry skin” “sensitive skin” and dermatitis or eczema. It’s easy to spend thousands of dollars on dermatologists, creams, lotions and hypo-allergenic skin care, but not nearly enough is being discussed about why skin is peeling, dry and flaky or allergic to so many different ingredients. But if you look at how many people have Candida overgrowth and skin abnormalities, it makes a lot of sense to see that it would be impossible for the largest organ of the human body to function appropriately when internal organs are overrun with a fungus.
Regardless of the type of secondary illness that you have developed, it is very important that you manage your health in as safe and hygienic a way as possible. The choices that are made now can have a dramatic influence on the rest of your life.